Stop China Dumping
Dober Partners was contracted to deliver an ambitious project on behalf of EUROFER, the European Steel Association, and AEGIS a coalition of 30 manufacturing industry associations.
The goal was to bring thousands of workers together with their bosses from the European manufacturing sector to March in Brussels to protest against Chinese dumping on the EU market, and the EU granting Market Economy Status (MES) to China.
Campaign Management: Dober Partners took responsibility for the overall delivery of the project from its inception. A campaign timeline was developed to ensure that every aspect of the campaign ran smoothly from logistics to media outreach.
Visual identity and Communications: Dober Partners worked closely with the client to develop a visual identity for the March, as well as all communications materials including, background briefing documents, March banners, Workers Handbook, website content, blogs, an industry Manifesto, post cards, press releases, social and traditional media campaign strategy. These materials were translated into 18 languages and distributed via several channels including, social media and traditional media across all EU member states.
Mass Media coverage: The March attracted considerable attention in print, online and broadcast media across Europe and the world. The story was picked up by all major media including the BBC, ITV, CNBC, Reuters News and The Financial Times.
Press Conference: Dober Partners arranged a press conference on the morning of the March during which European manufacturing industry leaders presented their concerns to the press corps. The press conference attracted a packed room of over 90 journalists including film crews from major European broadcasters.

Social Media: The March was supported by a lively social media campaign, which resulted in more than 1,300 tweets and reached 5 million social media users. At its peak the social media campaign generated 87,789 views, and was widely read and retweeted by journalists.
Engaging Political stakeholders: The March culminated in presentation of the manifesto to European Commission President Juncker. Former European Commissioner, Antonio Tajani joined the March with many other MEPs and rallied politicians everywhere to Stop China Dumping.
“Dober Partners project managed a highly successful 5,000 person march in Brussels in February 2016. Dober Partners’ team of experts handled all the details professionally and efficiently in a timely manner. They delivered a strong suite of communications and media services that helped us achieve wide coverage on major television, radio, newspaper and Internet news services across Europe”.
Axel Eggert, Director General of the European Steel Association (EUROFER)